BCCampers photos


Rally in the Valley, Camp Hope B.C.

A small but fun-loving Group of BC Campers enjoyed three days of games, visiting, food, silent auction and entertainment for the 1st Lower Mainland Rally.  Thank you to all attendees for supporting your hosts – Orcas and Chilliwack Valley Campers.  We will do this again next September.





Washington State Rally – Cashmere WA

Three BC rigs motored to the Washington State Rally on September 13-16.  Canadians were treated royally there and all enjoyed Rally events from water colouring classes, line dancing, craft fair, train exhibit, a catered dinner to great entertainment.  The highlight for our Canadian group was winning the beanbag baseball tournament by playing 4 straight games with no losses.  We will be back next year.  Thanks to Dave and Dee Cluett, Washington State Directors for making us feel so welcome.





photos coming soon