Bylaws of BC Campers 

  Part One –

 Membership  Any chapter or club may chose to join.  New chapter or club groups should apply to the Executive and Presidents for acceptance. 

   All Campers are eligible to join a chapter or club.  Every member chapter or club must comply with these bylaws.  The amount of annual chapter or club membership dues will be determined, if any, by the Presidents at an annual meeting. 

A member chapter or club is not in good standing if their group fails to pay the membership annual dues, if any, and remains so as long as the dues are not paid.  Such member chapters or clubs which are not in good standing may not vote at an annual meeting.   The chapter or club membership will be terminated if no dues are paid after 6 consecutive months.  Chapter or Club dissolution, renaming, or splitting up to form another club or chapter:  As long as there are still 5 members in the original chapter or club  that want to keep it as an active chapter or club all funds in the treasury and all equipment purchased for use by the original chapter or club are to remain with the original chapter.        



  Part Two –


Annual Meetings of Members  2.0 An annual meeting must be held at the time and place determined by chapter or club Presidents with input from Executive.  2.1 Meeting business will use Roberts Rules of Order.  2.2 A financial report will be read and discussed.  2.3 Notice of the annual meeting will include an agenda of business to be discussed and sent out at least one month prior to the meeting.  2.4 The Director/Secretary will chair the meeting and may appoint a member to take minutes.  2.5 If the Director is unable to chair the meeting Presidents will appoint a chairperson from among their group.  2.6 Business must not be transacted at the annual meeting unless a quorum of voting chapters or clubs is in attendance.  2.7 Quorum for the transaction of business will be 20% of voting chapters or clubs.  2.8 Voting chapters or clubs may be invited to join through Zoom if the meeting place has such capabilities.  2.9 If no quorum is declared, a new time and date for the annual meeting will be determined by Executive.  2.10 The Chair may adjourn the meeting from time to time but no business may be transacted after the adjourned meeting.  2.11 The order of business at an annual meeting is as follows:   a) Chair declares meeting open and gives time of opening;  b) determine if there is a quorum;  c) approve the agenda;  d) approve the minutes from the previous meeting;  e) deal with unfinished business from the last meeting;  f) receive Provincial director report;   g) receive the Treasurer’s report;  h) approve the financial report and auditor’s report if needed;  i) receive the webmaster’s report;  j) receive chapter or club Presidents reports;  k) deal with new business;  l) terminate the meeting.  2.12 Voting will be done by a show of hands unless a motion has been passed to do a secret ballot.  2.13 The chair will announce the outcome of each vote and this will be recorded in the minutes.  2.14 Voting by proxy will be permitted. 


Part Three – Executive 


  3.0 Executive shall consist of no fewer than three members and no more than five.  3.1 No Executive members are paid for their duties but may hand in expense bills for minor expenses such as computer ink and paper.  3.2 At an annual general meeting voting chapters or clubs must elect or appoint the Board if there is a vacancy as a result of resignation, death, or incapacity of executive members to perform their duties.  3.3 If such a vacancy occurs between annual meetings, other Executive members may appoint someone to temporarily fill that vacancy until the annual meeting.  Part Four – Executive Positions and Duties  4.0 Executive will consist of Director/Secretary, Treasurer and Webmaster.  The Director is the chair of the Executive and is responsible for supervising other executive in the execution of their duties, setting up meeting dates, times and agendas.      4.2 The Secretary is responsible for sending out notices of meetings, taking minutes, keeping records, corresponding with members through email, keeping membership lists and group email addresses.  Treasurer is responsible for receiving and banking all monies collected, keeping accounting records and preparing financial statements.  Signing authority will be by the Director, Treasurer and Webmaster only.  The Webmaster is responsible for maintaining the website and posting information sent to him/her by the Presidents and other Executive.   Geographic areas may select a representative to coordinate area activities and they may be called “Area Representatives”.  Executive may not dissolve the BC Campers without approval of membership.        

Any chapter or club may chose to join.  New chapter or club groups should apply to the Executive and Presidents for acceptance.  



 Part Four –


Executive Positions and Duties  4.0 Executive will consist of Director/Secretary, Treasurer and Webmaster.  The Director is the chair of the Executive and is responsible for supervising other executive in the execution of their duties, setting up meeting dates, times and agendas.      4.2 The Secretary is responsible for sending out notices of meetings, taking minutes, keeping records, corresponding with members through email, keeping membership lists and group email addresses.  Treasurer is responsible for receiving and banking all monies collected, keeping accounting records and preparing financial statements.  Signing authority will be by the Director, Treasurer and Webmaster only.  The Webmaster is responsible for maintaining the website and posting information sent to him/her by the Presidents and other Executive.   Geographic areas may select a representative to coordinate area activities and they may be called “Area Representatives”.  Executive may not dissolve the BC Campers without approval of membership.